Senin, 03 Januari 2011

Three Tips to Lose Belly Fat

If you searched the net for tips to lose belly fat, lose weight, you will probably find different sources, each promising the best, most effective and easiest way to belly fat. The amount of information contained in this document to your search extremely confusing, the seemingly simple question: how to lose my belly? This article aims to cut through a lot of hype out there posting some tips, but very critical to lose belly fat:

               1) Reduce the stress in your life that you've not heard before, but in reality is extremely important, and refers to the fat belly of his source, which is cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone produced naturally by the body in response to stress. I do not want to exercise. These include chronic emotional charges and others, like the print job. When the body is under stress, it activates the intrinsic value of "fight or flight". When the body feels threatened, it responds by storing excess fat around the abdominal area, which could then be used in an "emergency". Although this mechanism could be very useful if people lived in the woods as hunters and gatherers, it may lead to health problems in our modern society. excessive cortisol, in addition to the increase in abdominal fat but also increase insulin levels, which all contribute to an increased risk of developing diabetes. Although the reduction of stress in your life will not reduce your total weight is the tendency of the fat around the waist, the most dangerous form of fat.

               2) Reduce the contents of your total body fat: Of course, no matter how many rescue exercise stress you, if your initial level of body fat is too high, there is no substitute for aerobic and dietary changes your entire lower body fat composition. The replacement of fat cells to muscle cells through a targeted training program of aerobics and strength is an unerring light (but not necessarily easy) to lose belly fat. As the fat cells are pro-inflammatory compared to lean muscle, and conducted a chronic inflammation in a vicious cycle of cortisol and the reduction of the percentage composition of fat in the body is important to lose belly fat.

               3) Eat smaller portions at meals: The last of these tips to lose belly fat is easier to plan. The simple truth is that, given the daily routine of the average person, there is not much activity to do after dinner. So if you consume more calories in the evening and not get involved in meaningful activities after to increase metabolism and burn calories all those extra pounds you directly to fat storage, especially if you eat before bed. Move your biggest meal of the day for lunch, dinner and replace it with a light snack.

A warning about sit-ups: Although by far the most to lose belly fat exercises, make sure to leave a sit-ups or crunches. Working the abdominal muscles without too much body composition in total fat, stomach are larger. All you have reached builds abdominal muscles, but there will always be hidden by a layer of fat. Therefore, at least initially, the focus should lose all of cardiovascular conditioning and aerobic exercise instead of targeting the muscles workouts, abdominal fat.

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