Senin, 03 Januari 2011

Losing Belly Fat - The Things To Take Note

People are called fat if they have more body than any other, much more if they have belly fat. As such, lose belly fat is a concern of many today. It is not only a health risk to impose, but to see a mental torture to look not pleasant.

Body fat is generally considered quite good. To some extent, the fat is necessary for certain body functions. However, you must understand the difference between good and bad fats. Good fats can give you important vitamins such as A, Popular D, E and K in our body. On another note, when the accumulated fat needs more than our bodies, so it is already a bad fats, you are considered overweight or obese. That being the case, lose some fat is necessary because the more fat accumulates in the stomach.

There are many important factors that contribute to abdominal fat. If you are overeating, no exercise and poor diet. If you often eat in restaurants more than necessary, or if you do not even eat, go hungry marathon or midnight movie snack at a party and celebrate the holidays with the food group. All this and more, add belly fat. Even those that you do every day is like driving instead of walking or stairs as the elevator adds value.

It could burn more fat if you use the stairs or walk instead have been, but people are lazy and busy these days. The fast-food chains can also fats, sugars and carbohydrates in the diet. Their ignorance even fruit and vegetables is an important factor. The rate of abdominal fat may be more if you have a high caloric intake. Adding more calories than body fat storage needs. Such as lack of exercise can slow down your metabolism.

Really, it's hard to lose belly fat, you need a sacrifice and determination to do so. It will not happen overnight or even a week. The process is long. However, as long as your goals realistic and keep an eye on the goal, you see the desired results soon. Here are some tips for getting rid of any belly and say hello to a flat stomach and sexy.

Their motivation to do the necessary steps to lose belly fat, you should understand the risks associated with them, especially health risks associated. Abdominal fat is a cardiovascular disease (heart disease), diabetes (sugar) and cancer combined. This is because fat cells in abdominal fat to hormones and other substances that are harmful to produce. On another note, because the stomach is located near the liver, fatty liver in obese often. To tell you if you're sick or not, here is how to measure.

With the use of tape measure, wrap it around your waist at your navel. A measurement of more than 35 cm for women and 40 cm for men is considered unhealthy overweight or obese.

Exercise, weight everywhere, especially in the stomach is important to lose. Also here is the reduction of space is not recommended. Focus on smooth, not only on his stomach, but working all over the body. to burn calories for exercise rather than sit-ups or crunches. Abdominal exercises are not an effective way to lose belly fat, because it only strengthens your abdominal muscles. A good workout cardiovascular or aerobic is most advantageous. There is also evidence that the combination of education and against the resistance of the cardiovascular exercise works best. A study shows that even those who have lifted weights and cardio at the same time lost twice as much abdominal fat than those who did own heart. Exercise can also reduce the stress hormone reduces abdominal fat deposits which cause more.

It is important to know how to structure a workout. Do not waste time all abdominal exercises that target the stomach area because it would not be very effective. It is very unfortunate that many people still do not understand and spend as much time to practice, the objectives of the stomach. The majority of training time in several joint exercises should be spent, chest, back, etc. with different body parts such as legs, because it increases the metabolic rate during and after exercise.

Changing your diet is also important to consider. Do not limit calories, just cut it is not necessary.

It is also important to move grain from refined grains. consumption of whole grains with an additional portion of fruit and vegetables, lowfat dairy, lean meat (or fish can pultry) help you lose more belly fat than eating refined grains. Remember, whole grains can modify the response to glucose in the body as the melting of the deep layer of fat in the stomach, which may be easier for the body to burn fat in the body can accelerate.

A higher ratio of monounsaturated fatty acids may also prevent the accumulation of abdominal fat. These fats are often used in avocados, nuts and seeds (cashews, peanuts and almonds), chocolate, grape seed oil, etc.

Trans fats in margarines, biscuits, cookies, etc. cause more fat is deposited in the abdomen that must be avoided.

Soluble fiber may reduce the hormone that causes fat production. Eat more of those found mainly in apples, oats, cherries, beans, etc.

Consume more fat food negative calorie burn. Examples are beans, apples, apricots, olive oil, egg whites, lean meat, etc.

Lose belly fat, as usual is not an easy thing to do. The more you do something, it's worth, the more you succeed. Most people fail in their desire to belly fat because they stop in the middle, because they do not take it, fatigue, and most of those who have succeeded are those who can lose the challenge of in a positive way, which is difficult to find exhaustion, those who persevere to do what he needs. So if you're in shape with a flat stomach and be a positive person who can be accommodated in the style of life has recently approved for a healthier and sexier than you want.

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