Minggu, 30 Januari 2011

Best Way to Lose Belly Fat

For people with a BMI of 34 or less, possession of a big belly that increased health risks. Fats, which are stored in the stomach and abdomen is, the higher health risks than fat in any other region of the body. These potential health risks, including hypertension, heart disease, hyperglycemia, syndrome of insulin resistance (also known as metabolic syndrome X) and hypercholesterolemia.

The area is in excess of body fat deposited by a combination of factors such as age, sex and genetics. The common observation is that men are more willing to share their excess fat is deposited in the medium, while the women, their hips, buttocks, thighs and lower pelvic tilt.

There is no single best way to lose belly fat for example. However, you can practice a combination of the following to lose belly fat.

Avoid processed carbohydrates

There are two types of carbohydrates, refined sugars and complex carbohydrates. Refined carbohydrates are unhealthy carbohydrates, which cause an accumulation of fat around the abdominal area. They are carbohydrates such as polished rice, biscuits, pasta, cereals, etc. Food is rich in complex carbohydrates, whole wheat bread, brown rice, oats, corn, barley, cereals, etc. The processed carbohydrates are good for feel the energy all the help on the day, and thus also in your weight loss. So if you want to cut carbs, cut fine.


In addition to controlling your diet, you will also need cardio or aerobic exercises. Through these exercises, you can not accumulate on the target areas of localized fat stomach. However, your belly fat the first to burn if you start to lose weight. Some cardio exercises you can practice includes running, skiing, running, handball, swimming, stepping, rowing, climbing, biking and hiking. Also, strength training into your workout regimen. Since the development of the muscles help burn calories.

The best time to do your exercises in the early morning hours. If you practice in the morning twilight, you're excited, active throughout the day. In addition, you can breathe the fresh air on the morning of the year. Sun exercise for 30 minutes to 1 hour of the morning.

Eat Fat

Certain foods can burn more fat. These foods include apricots, beets, artichokes, cabbage, broccoli, apples, Brussels sprouts, blackberries, cabbage, blueberries, cantaloupe, cauliflower, cod, celery, corn, carrots, cherries, cranberries, chives, crab, eggplant, cucumbers, grapes, honeydew beans, flounder, grapefruit, green garlic, lemon, lime, mango, lettuce, leeks, mushrooms, lobster, fingers lady, nectarines, papaya, onion, parsley, oranges, peppers, peaches, peas, pineapple, pears, pumpkin, red cabbage, radishes, raspberries, spinach, green onions, pumpkin, cabbage, strawberries, tomatoes, green beans, mandarin, watermelon and beets. They contain more of these foods in the diet, so you burn fat faster.

Move your legs

He exercises that require leg movement, as it put the muscles in your belly to skiing, and help you burn fat and shape your belly. One possibility is to dance. Dancing, plus help you lose weight is to tone your legs and lose belly fat. It is safe too!

Improve your posture

Posture is important for losing weight if you exercise or not. Indeed, good posture, how to use many muscles maintain. And with the help of these muscles, you keep permanently in place. Therefore, it is a kind of exercise you feel better every day makes.

Drink water

Drinking water is important in weight loss, because water hydrates you the proper functioning of all body processes, eliminate toxins, increase your metabolism to burn calories faster and happier for you stay active all day. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. There is evidence that when water, we tend to drink hot water or fresh lemon ice, he or she loses weight faster.

Stay away from junk food

can be developed, the main reason you have a big belly that you eat lots of junk food. The consumption of junk food increases your appetite, you eat more of the epidemic. In addition, junk food is unhealthy. They help you to gain weight around your stomach piece.

Reduce stress

If you're stressed over a long period of time, you tend to collect weight around the abdomen. In fact, the increase of stress makes the body secrete called for certain types of hormone cortisol. This hormone is directly related to deposits of fat around the abdomen. If you're stressed over a longer period, to ask for help. You can also practice relaxation exercises.

Choose a diet

Shun all hazardous foods, all types of foods that are high in sugar or caffeine. At nutritious foods rich in fiber. These include whole grains, fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, oatmeal, etc. to assist safe and nutritious food, insulin levels balanced, which is below the level of your blood sugar control.

Eat meals at regular intervals not exceeding 4 hours. But enough of these meals are smaller. Make your eating habits this way not only holds your metabolic rate, but also ensure that you always "full stomach" and energetic. If you control your hunger, you're on the way to reduce your belly fat.

Sleep proportionate

A good sleep will remain active throughout the day. If you do not get a good night's sleep, you tend to the rest of the day tired. And makes you feel like your tired, a little food often, which can lead to overeating and thus develop a big belly. So sleep well at night. Ensure the quality of sleep for a minimum of 8 hours at night.

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