Minggu, 30 Januari 2011

A Belly Fat Diet - How to Choose a Diet to Lose Belly Fat

A belly fat is a health risk for people with a BMI more than 34 or less. intra-abdominal fat or visceral fat is stored in the stomach and abdomen is located at greater risk to health than fat in the lower body around the buttocks and thighs instead. Studies show that people with abdominal fat more susceptible to blood pressure, high cholesterol, hyperglycemia, syndrome of insulin resistance (metabolic syndrome X) and heart disease. That is why some experts believe that waist circumference and fat distribution are more important than the actual weight in predicting potential health risks.

A combination of factors such as gender, age and genetics, to determine where your excess calories are stored as fat. It must be said in general that men tend to store more fat around their middle, and this is the apple-shaped body. While women tend to shop in the pelvic region, hips, buttocks and fat, and this is called the body pear shaped.

In addition, there are also different types of abdominal fat, and there are different types of diets to lose belly fat.

High-Fat Belly: They tend to abdominal fat when the metabolism slows, you miss exercise and eat lots of desserts and cold drinks. To resolve this type of belly fat, it is better that you go to natural sugar, because it is difficult on your part to avoid sweets at a time. Start with honey as an alternative to white sugar, and gradually try to change your taste to achieve the goal to lose belly fat.

Lower Austria abdominal fat: This type of stomach is yours if you sit all day sitting at a desk, immediately after a meal or a drink of water, and often suffer from constipation. As a solution, we recommend that you drink more beverages than lactobacilli Lactobacillus and cellulose to help accelerate your constipation, gastrointestinal motility and excrete waste from your body. We also recommend that your consumption of salt that the salt content to make your body absorb more lost, can reduce the hydrops in your body. Hold or reduce your salt intake prevented the abdomen.

thick waist: This type of abdominal fat makes you look bad as fat accumulates in the size of your region. The reason behind this is you tend to overeat. Try to control the amount you eat to take charge immediately. Slow down, savor the taste and chew before swallowing. Do you feel full early. Avoid fried and fatty foods. Try to have a plate of salad before the main course. It is advisable for you to supply steam.

Here are some general rules of the system.

No rule. 1: Include foods in your diet

Eat more than two of these foods at each meal. Legumes such as beans and pods of beans, green leafy vegetables like spinach, spinach, etc., nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, milk (low fat milk, low fat milk or acidophilus) , instant oatmeal that has little sugar, no vegetables, such as turkey meat, eggs and other lean meats, foods rich in monounsaturated fatty acids such as oil, oil olive oil, flaxseed oil, sunflower oil, and avocado, whole grain bread, such as wheat, millet and oats, and fruits such as grapes, strawberries, guava and starfruit.

No rule. 2: Keep dinner from 5 to 6 times per day
Following a lack of food and powerful feeling hungry when you diet, would accumulate more fat in your body in a quick manner. You can prevent the accumulation of fat in less than 5 to 6 small meals frequently than the usual three large meals.

No rule. 3: Be careful what you drink
Soft drinks, alcoholic and are high in calories and more food standard. They also make your system more fat slows the process of fat burning. To move to the best drink like milk acidophilus, fruit juices, vegetable juices, low fat milk, vegetables, etc. will help you lose weight in addition to being nutritious.

Fruit juice prepared at home, so you can make decisions to limit fruit and adding sugar. This will avoid the extra calories. Take about 250 ml of fresh juice per day.

Feeding acidophilus milk also triggers weight loss in some way. In one experiment, a group composed by people drinking acidophilus milk in the amount of three cups per day, while another group of people do not. If the comparison is made later between the two groups of people aged over 12 weeks, it was found that those who had fed acidophilus sixty-one certain percentage of fat lost.

No rule. 4: Drink lots of water

Drink plenty of water at regular intervals every day. While it is to drink eight glasses of water a day to help say drink 8 glasses of more benefit to lose weight. Drink ice water or hot lemon turns to be much more important in weight loss.

Drinking water helps weight loss through proper digestion, which facilitates nutrient absorption, improve metabolism and increase your energy level.

No rule. 5: Make a change log

Not counting calories. Instead, make a written record of any changes in your body during your weight loss program on your height and weight. Parallel to this, you can feed that helped you lose weight.

No rule. 6: Never be hungry

You're just a plan, you should not avoid. Do not miss meals. Eat less than four hours before your meal. Take a nutritious breakfast and drive as fuel breakfast the rest of the day. You can change the size of your dinner.

No rule. 7: Keep away from stress

If your body is stressed, it produces cortisol, a hormone that is your belly fat. Therefore, avoid stress. Take help when the workload is on your sustainability. In addition, getting enough sleep.

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