Selasa, 04 Januari 2011

Losing Belly Fat - Are You Missing The Dangers Behind A Fat Belly?

Do you think that the vast majority of overweight people that day to live dangerously with a big belly? When it comes to losing belly fat, most people think their excess abdominal fat is simply ugly and makes the individual aware of their bodies show comes.

But what most of us are unaware that abdominal fat in particular is not only an aesthetic problem, but is also a dangerous health problem. Scientific research has clearly shown that obesity is unhealthy at all, it is particularly dangerous, the belly is too big.

There are two kinds of hidden dangers in your abdominal region. The first is what is commonly called the visceral adipose tissue and is deep in the abdomen beneath your muscle and surrounding organs. He is also the most difficult type of fat to remove some of your efforts to lose belly fat.

The risk factor for the health of your big belly a second cache sluggish colon is overloaded. According to the latest scientific knowledge, it is a crucial factor in weight gain, especially the formation of a big belly that is so difficult to get rid of. A sluggish colon affects digestion and metabolism in general and the risk of developing a wide range of diseases.

Both problems visceral fat and colon are the reasons for failure, abdominal fat, lose regardless of the quality of your diet. They are also laying down specific hygiene rules such as:

irritable bowel

spastic colon

Crohn's disease

Chronic colitis

Leaky gut syndrome



Candida albicans

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Not to mention the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, stroke, various forms of cancer and other degenerative diseases.

Part of the reason why a big belly and a sluggish colon is very dangerous that there are more pro-inflammatory molecules in the body on a consistent basis.

If your health and quality of life, lose belly fat should be one of your priorities! A big belly is a time bomb and the dangers of ignoring it, outweigh the disadvantages, if your eating habits. Moreover, even a side effect of finally lose belly fat, belly, and you'll look great and feel better about their bodies.

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