Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

How to Lose Belly Fat - 3 Critical Components to Losing Fat Around Your Stomach

If you want to lose the belly, then you can just three simple things. And while these three simple elements, they can be observed touch. But do not worry. I promise you these three things at least 90% of the time you will see results and start to follow to lose belly fat. Let's get started!

to lose belly fat component essential # 1 - Get your head.
Almost everything in life, they say that 80% (sometimes more) of mental success. And when it comes to finally lose the fat around the stomach, he could no longer true. Think about it. Why do you think you eat too much? Why are not you more active? Based on these questions will help you enormously. Because if you do not correct the cause, why they built a thick layer of abdominal fat, so you will not be long term (which is ultimately what we all want.

There is no need to work hard, eat well, but to jump every few months later.) So the first step is to know your feelings about food, eating junk food and exercise. You should also understand why you want to lose the belly. As Tony Robbins says, you must develop a strong "why". If you understand why you really want to lose belly fat belly and a sexy, 10 times more likely to a program long enough to see the results Stick - and, more importantly, they keep the results.

Eat frequently - an essential component to lose belly fat # 2. Healthy food to eat.
Yes, the cons-intuitive, but the belly fat you must eat more to lose. Chances are you just eat 3 meals a day (if any). Many people skip breakfast and two meals together. It's a big "No No". You want to eat 4-6 small meals per day, distance consist of about 3-4 hours apart (. Really, if you're still hungry), these meals of lean protein like chicken, a carbohydrate health such as brown rice, and so green vegetables like broccoli. Now I know this may seem a little bland ... but you can get creative with spices, herbs and healthy cooking methods. Of course, it takes a little getting used to. But once you start seeing the fat disappears and you feel good, you'll learn to love it!

to lose belly fat component key # 3 - Beginning of the year! (Strength and cardio)
I know that sounds a bit easier, but you have to be more active. Losing belly fat is to create a calorie deficit. This means more energy than you consume. Begin, then you should (read this and the ladies, do not worry - you will not look like Arnold Schwarzenegger in weightlifting) a training program decently. Why you lift weights because it builds and maintains your muscle mass. The muscle is very metabolically active.

This means that the more muscle you have and to hold, the more calories you burn, even if you sit on the couch watching the last season of American Idol. In addition, you want to be more active - which means that some form of cardio. Well, if you do not like it on the treadmill for hours (who does?) What you can do a group class in a sport or hobby increase your heart rate. Ideally, for 5 sessions per week for Cardio take to really start losing belly fat. So there you have it. Follow these three elements, and you can not help but lose belly fat and look great in a swimsuit!

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