Senin, 03 Januari 2011

Lose Belly Fat Fast with 2 Vital Secrets to Real Fat Loss

Are you struggling to lose belly fat? I bet you think you've tried all the techniques in the world to try to lose your stubborn belly fat, but it does not seem to move ... right? I'm sure you see tons of commercials and ads making all kinds of miracle claims you can lose complete your stomach overnight magic pill with its bold or crazy hype of snake oil. What she said with all the gadgets bad infomercial here, you can reduce your belly fat at the waist days, some worthless "ab-belt" around the hips or to bite the fat in the stomach with its patented "AB-Roller-Rocker" - Hicky.

Come on! I hope that with all these fraudulent marketers and the deceptions and tricks they were
 up in the throat by trying you believe that the miracle of reducing belly fat may be offended by night.

So we let all the scams and tricks and learn the harsh reality behind the science and techniques and strategies really help you lose stubborn belly and keep it for life!

1) The first important principle is that we can discuss how you structure your training. To stimulate fat loss in the intestine, you stop, your time so that all types of abdominal exercises and hundreds of representatives of crunches, leg lifts and trunk twists, "point of reducing" with hope in your belly and love handles.

I'm sure you know now, if you're all the reputation of good fitness publications in the last decade, this does not read off. It's a myth that does not seem to go away. The truth is not to lose belly fat with exercises that target the abdominal region. Unfortunately, although most people today do not understand (or at least they should), they still tried too much of their training period, the stomach with tons of exercises targeting the abdominals.

Now you do not get me wrong, a certain amount of abdominals exercises are great and they help to strengthen your heart and help you back in good health. But the fact is that direct abs exercises should only be a small part of your training. Most of the time spent must be based on multi-joint exercises that work the major muscle groups of the body, like legs, chest and back.

Well, one of the true secrets of belly fat sloppy for good is to get rid of. The emphasis on large multi-joint exercises for the major parts of the body increases your metabolic rate during exercise at a time, and for 24-48 hours after exercise. In addition, it also stimulates an increase in fat burning hormones in your body. You can not have this type of metabolic and hormonal response to lose more time with "ABS-pumping" exercises.

Want to lose belly fat ... Well, the butt in a bar and do squats, dead lifts, doing sprints, step-ups, back and chest work. It does not matter if it is in itself, free weights, dumbbells or exercise the power ... Emphasis should be placed on major multiple-joint exercises with high intensity. This means no rest periods of 5 minutes between sets while you flap your gums with half of the population in the gym. lose belly fat for good requires some focus and intensity of your workout! Anyone who tells you that you can do everything on your couch watching TV with some "AB-belt", which you or calculations, just 2 minutes by "ab-rocker-roller" is flat lying to you!

2) The second important principle to get rid of the soft belly revolves around your nutrition. The first thing you must understand is that to work, "plans" than losing against your body in your efforts to big belly. See if any of those plans as low carb or low fat, or the grapefruit diet, the soup diet, or something to comply with the limits of one or more of the macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates and lipids), draws most of the time you lose muscle mass and decrease your metabolic rate. It makes you fatter in the long run when you start eating normally again!

I could go into details, but essentially spoil the processes related to your hormonal balance to your body, the process of muscle glycogen, insulin, glucose, etc., which stops your fat loss in the momentum net!

It is important not to fall for the fad diet gimmicks, and understand that people who wish to have a balanced diet rich in a variety of healthy foods from natural sources of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. This allows your body all macro-nutrients, and needs all the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes and your body to look like a well oiled machine to burn the fat on!

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