Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

Lose Belly Fat - 3 Sure Fire Ways to Look Slim and Gorgeous

Many people have a question to mind. How to lose belly fat? Men and women of these "abdomen" problem facing the world. Before deciding that ugly thick and soft in the belly, you must first understand what you eat and how you need to do to get rid of it.

For women who are really determined to lose belly fat and want to look nice, but do not know exactly what to do, here are three ways to successfully achieve your goal foolproof. Then you're ready to lose belly fat? Here we go!


If you are a visitor to the constant fast food, and love pasta, French fries, eat and so on, do not read on. Forget the dream, lose belly fat. You forget all these foods. These foods are high in fat and of course if you eat the body fat increases and excess fat accumulated in practice around your belly. What to eat?

I ask you to starve. Make sure to eat foods low in fat. You should eat healthy fats and fat is not bad. In case of bad fat, trans fat or increase my saturated fat, bad cholesterol in your body that led to the construction of the grease. Instead, you should have unsaturated fatty acids that help you lose belly fat. Avoid fried foods and foods cooked in the oven evolution. Use olive oil and do not use coconut oil. Eat plenty of fish, because it contains omega-3, which is very healthy. Eat only lean meats and meat skin. Green tea weight loss is generally excellent. Eat at least five cups a day. Studies have shown that green tea body of excess stored fat as fuel to help you, help you lose belly fat consumed. Also eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water. Yogurt, which helps low in calories and lose the belly.


Following a movement. Although exercise is not enough. Always on. Keep yourself busy all day, for gardening or other work, instead of sitting for hours on the computer and television. Walk whenever possible, instead of starting, even over short distances. interval training at high intensity is the best exercise to lose belly fat. A combination of high intensity exercise such as jogging at a moderate exercise like walking, to produce highly effective results.

Swimming is also a good exercise to lose belly. Keep changing the exercises, so you do not get bored. 20-30 minutes of work should be done every day. Pilates or yoga is a good thing, because if you postures or exercises of the abdominal muscles tight, which help you lose belly fat pipe.

Avoid stress

Medical studies have shown that increasing the hormone cortisol causes fat accumulation in the abdomen. Too much stress activates cortisol in the body. Therefore reduce the burden of maintaining the low level of cortisol. Discover activities that allow you to relax, as some interesting hobby. Take time to relax with friends and relatives. Set aside an hour or two each day by the things you really like. Listen to music, movies, shopping, cooking, gardening, all to keep you relaxed and your cortisol level is low.

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