Kamis, 03 Februari 2011

How to Lose Belly Fat - 3 Killer Top Tips

Many of us try weight, lose one way or another, particularly abdominal fat, because it risks losing the toughest region. But with all these new products, diets, methods and techniques, it is very difficult to work for you, especially in the long term.

Crash diet and fasting, for example, is not only terrible for you, and my opinion does not work, you lose a solution for the short-term weight and hazardous / belly fat.

This article is about, how to lose belly and give the knowledge of the 3 things I below by experience and trial and error won.

Top 3 Tips to lose belly fat:

Top Tip # 1:

There are many foods that are on the market that are advertised as "health food" but they were really sent junk food disguised and intelligent. These have the potential to stimulate your body to gain more body fat - again, continue to provide food businesses to fund. Very scary.

You should start eating foods that help you burn fat - they take food down to digest a lot of energy to your body, so you lose more calories to eat, and they are in very good health for you:

- Broccoli

- Tomato

- Brown rice

- Spinach

- Raw peppers (all serious athletes constantly snack)

- Oats

Just because it's not a magic trick * does not mean you should ignore these foods burn fat [http://www.rapidlylosebellyfat.com/Fat-Burning-Foods.html].

Top Tip # 2:

Familiar and cardio exercises boring and repetitive are certainly not the best way to lose belly fat and show off your abdominal muscles.

One session of 20 minutes of interval training has been demonstrated by Japanese scientists that they burn up to 10 times more calories than 60 minutes of work at a constant rate. The whole body and keep the offensive to assume custody because your metabolism increased. Then, try hill sprints - all you have to do is sprint on a hill (eg, for 20-25 seconds), then down to the starting point. To do this, the loop for about 10-15 minutes and you'll drop of sweat! This squash normal jogging or running as regards the use of calories. Try it today.

Top Tip # 3:

typical ab exercises such as crunches, sit-ups and operate machines, is certainly not the best way to lose belly fat. It is much more effective full body training routines to maximize your metabolic and hormonal responses.

A good example of an exercise that burns calories is to use a skipping rope. Execution of a jump at each turn of the rope will burn and then two jumps for each turn more calories in 10 minutes of jogging for 30 minutes. You will lose your belly fat by this exercise is that I have personally seen good results because it is so fast and physical.

There are several techniques and exercises to help you lose belly fat, and sometimes it's just a matter of experimentation, or listen to those who have tried and tested methods.

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