Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

5 Essential Fat Loss Tips to Lose Belly Fat

Many of us have the problem is not in a position, abdominal fat, even if you put your big belly in a few months to lose. Many of them came to power promising rapid fat loss without much else, but cut the calories too low - but it may be tempting, you disappointed at the end or in a worse condition than when you started the diet food. You see, these plans are not the whole picture in mind and you will eventually fail.

Here for the 5 Essential Fat Loss Tips you should consider if you lose belly fat and keep it for good.

Use the No-diet to lose belly fat

Diets, cutting calories too low are a major contribution to reducing your metabolism and increase the storage of belly fat.


Quite simply, our body goes into defense of "starvation mode" hunger. It was to make very efficient, calories and it takes some muscle to the calories he needs to do more in detail.

This leads to muscle atrophy, which lowers the metabolism (the rate at which your body burns calories or fat.

Your body can now operate with fewer calories, while you slow down fat loss. If you can not handle the low calorie diet over (which in most cases) to get your tax return to normal calories, your fat easier because of your slower metabolism and muscles.

Instead of eating all the emphasis on natural foods in 5-6 small meals regularly similar calories throughout the day with a protein (chicken, fish, eggs), good carbs (complex carbohydrates such as fruits and vegetables), rich in fiber and other healthy fats (fish, olive oil).

Jeter also calorie dense drinks, drinking, and alcohol and water and green tea instead.

DRIVES move with fat burning

Without exercise, you can lose some fat, but they are no longer a firm body tonic. Instead, they are weak and unstable.

The realization of a thin and toned body takes a commitment to regular exercise. If you start a plan that has enough energy and fuel, it is a sure sign that you do not have long-term results. However, if your diet forcing you to over-exercise is not necessary to wait.

Exercise should fit around your life and let you do the things you love.

Keep your workouts exciting

Not a single year to get rid of your belly fat. Hours and hours of heart will help you lose a little fat (maybe?) Get rid of your stubborn belly fat, but not as well as thousands of abs does not lose shit, fat belly. You see, the human body adapts very quickly what we throw at it. If you do not give your body a reason to make changes, it will not

Variety guess your body and maximize your efforts to burn fat. Mix strength training, core air conditioning, interval training and bodyweight circuits really start your furnace to burn fat, boost your metabolism and burn belly fat. It's a myth that weight lifting much of a woman, you need enough of the hormone large amounts of muscle.

Men also have problems with muscle and it's something you have to work very hard to achieve, male or female.

Increased intensity of your workout

I note in the gym, there are many people who come to do the same workout routine from time to time and not look a year down the line your body is always the same.

You're sitting there on a bike by reading their books or newspapers think their abdominal fat magically fall or do 10 repetitions of biceps curls, standing for about 2 minutes chatting to their companions, then a series of crackles on the ball. You're in an illusion if you think workouts like this to get rid of your belly fat.

Research has shown that very short and hard drive intensive, such as interval training and metabolic circuits are surprisingly effective in burning stubborn belly fat.

These teaching techniques calories and fat is still up to 36 hours after the complete training burn, and that's something you do not slow down, more workouts.

Reduce training time and more to lose belly fat

you do not have to spend many hours of work, there are many ways you can get a workout in half the time.

For example, when using the bodybuilding circuit and super sets. A superset is two different exercises for opposing muscle groups that are not complete break between. (For example: body weight squats and push-ups)

Just do an exercise for the second year, then without interruption between the two. Both methods complement the intensity of your workouts, and reduce your training time in half.

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