Senin, 15 Agustus 2011

Consumer Reports Reviews the TRX Suspension Trainer

Consumer Reports magazine has just reviewed the increasingly popular TRX Suspension Trainer Pro from Fitness Anywhere. Their test users and in-house fitness expert gave it good reviews overall. They bought the TRX "Pro" version for about $200 from Amazon, which includes the TRX suspension device, a door anchor, and a 35 minute workout DVD.

The Consumer Reports reviewers say that "the TRX works"... they liked it and the fitness expert says it can effectively train every major muscle group while exercising those vital core muscles at the same time. They also say that the included DVD does a good job of showing how to make each TRX exercise more intense/difficult by altering your body's position, referred to as "vector resistance" training.

CR says that the negatives include the price -- it's definitely not "cheap" considering it's basically just a bunch of heavy-duty nylon straps and handles. They also say that it may not be the best exercise option for someone with limited mobility, low flexibility, or who doesn't have much upper-body strength. Reviewers complained about the difficulty of putting their feet in the handle stirrups and flipping their bodies into push-up and "plank" positions in order to do the DVD exercise movements.

I've used the TRX and here's my quick review: The TRX suspension trainer is one of those strange home exercise products that really grows on you. At first it feels awkward and "weird"... then you get more used to it and it feels good... then you develop more balance and stabilizer muscle strength and you realize it's one of the best total body muscle building devices on the market! Personally, I love taking it to the park and busting out perfect suspended pull-ups, push-ups, dips, etc. That being said, it's definitely not for someone who's totally out of shape or has major mobility problems. It's also a little pricey and their are good TRX alternatives out there like the Milo Kit and other cheaper options that cost under $100.

If you've got the money and you're already in decent shape you should definitely consider trying out out the TRX Trainer. It's a high-quality workout-anywhere option that will last for years. Click here for the best price online!


p.s. Check out the Consumer Reports TRX review here:

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