Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

Chlorophyll: Liquid Health from Nature's Garden

All green things in nature contain chlorophyll, the liquid substance created by the chemical process known as photosynthesis.  As the most essential element contained in plants, chlorophyll allows growing things to absorb light from the sun and convert it into energy. Chlorophyll gives leaves, grasses, and vegetables their color as the pigment reflects sunlight at specific wavelengths for our eyes to perceive them as green. Chlorophyll A contains a molecule that reflects light in a blue-green range and chlorophyll B in more of a yellow-green hue. Vegetables contain more chlorophyll A than B, which makes them perishable as they age.

One of the most interesting facts regarding chlorophyll as it relates to human health is that its molecular structure is identical to that of hemoglobin. The only difference is its central atom, which in hemoglobin is iron and in chlorophyll is magnesium. As hemoglobin is essential to nourishing and transporting our red blood cells, by ingesting chlorophyll we assist hemoglobin with its duties. Our blood is made up of approximately 75% hemoglobin, which is responsible for maintaining high quality red blood cells, boosting our energy level, and regenerating the entire body at both the cellular and molecular levels. 

Chlorophyll contains high doses of vitamins A, C, and E, making it an excellent anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory. Additionally, it is composed of vitamins K, folic acid, iron, calcium, and protein, which all help to boost the immune system as well as repair and build the red blood cells. Chlorophyll is a powerhouse serum, with many other healing properties that include:
·            Cleansing the body of toxins
·            Preventing harmful chemicals from weakening our metabolism
·            Providing chelation of heavy metals, such as mercury
·            Fighting infection
·            Promoting better circulation
·            Assisting digestion
·            Increasing our cells' ability to use oxygen
·            Helping to prevent carcinogens from binding to DNA within our organs 
·            Breaking down calcium oxalate stones to exliminate excess acid
·            Assisting tissues in destroying germs
·            Increasing resistance to disease
·            Preventing bacterial growth
·            Treating bad breath by promoting a healthy digestive tract
·            Providing a natural treatment for wounds
·            Helping decrease side effects from drugs
·            Creating quick delivery of magnesium to cells and tissues

Because chlorophyll is highly alkaline, it is a strong anti-carcinogenic. There have been increasing studies on its power to inhibit multi-organ carcinogens, as well as its ability to successfully fortify the body against air-borne carcinogens such as pollution.

Chlorophyll is easily incorporated into our daily regime through consuming greens such as spinach, broccoli, Asian greens, asparagus, peas, beans, kale, bell peppers, celery, cabbage, leeks, parsley, green olives and cold pressed organic olive oil, sea veggies, or any other deep green vegetable. Eating greens raw provides the fastest delivery, as does juicing them into power drinks. Buying chlorophyll in liquid or tablet form is another way to ensure that your body is getting the pure substance in adequate amounts. 

Steaming veggies quickly is another way to get your chlorophyll, but this means for no more than 5 minutes. Once the color fades from bright green to grayish green, vegetables begin to lose their potency. When plants are heated, or exposed to acid in any way, the magnesium content at the center of chlorophyll's structure is replaced by an atom of hydrogen, which diminishes the veggie's healing potency.

Eating the fresh greens that nature supplies is one of the best ways to assure our bodies of glorious and radiant health without necessarily having to rely on the doctor's medicine cabinet. Think of your body as a garden and tend to it accordingly.

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